Aug 032018

The Death of Superman was a great addition to DC’s Animated Movie line with a tight and well told adaptation of the famous story, doing far better justice than Superman: Doomsday, and some fine voice talent work in addition, though Rainn Wilson’s Lex Luthor sounded off.


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Jul 172018

The Equalizer has its share of problems, primarily with the pacing though some more editing would’ve made for a strong picture, but even so, the film does ride on Denzel Washington’s charisma and screen presence and that alone makes this at least worth a rental.


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Jul 132018

Ready Player One was an all around fun and entertaining sci-fi action-adventure from Steven Spielberg that does a wonderful job of throwing nostalgia in your face, but the filmmakers seemed to be having a hell of a time with the material, and the story itself was compelling.


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Jul 052018

Rampage is not great yet still a fun and entertaining enough action film that features Dwayne Johnson pretty much playing a similar character to that featured in San Andreas, but still his charisma does go a long way.


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Jun 202018

Jack Reacher is a well made suspense-thriller featuring a great performance from producer/star Tom Cruise and his supporting cast members. However, while the story starts off with incredible tension the ultimate motives by the villain came off as weak. Even so, this is an entertaining movie with great stunts and action scenes.


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Jun 192018

Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation is another successful entry into the long-running franchise. There are some fun nods to the original series and previous films, yet makes a mark in its own right. Tom Cruise once again is incredible with his stunt work and the villain this time around was at least devious enough.


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Jun 192018

Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol is easily the best of the series with the original and third movie after it. The action is intense, the suspense well done and the comedy is right on the money without going over-the-top. Although Tom Cruise deserves a fair amount of credit, I’m giving some of the film’s success to live action newcomer Brad Bird bringing his expertise that has made Pixar so successful into a new world.


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Jun 192018

Mission: Impossible III is a nice change-up from the lame sequel with a better emotional core for Ethan Hunt as a character and Cruise seemed far more at ease in the role compared to M:I-2.


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Jun 192018

Mission: Impossible II is easily my least favorite of the five movies in the series, not due to any technical issues, but Woo’s style did not fit in with the core feeling of a Mission: Impossible, not to mention Tom Cruise, as great and deadicated of an actor as he is, looked ridiculous performing kung-fu moves.


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Jun 192018

Mission: Impossible may be dated in terms of the technology used and some of the dialogue was clunky in order to set up some of the story, but I still was entertained by this first outing of what would become a long-running franchise with Cruise the perfect actor to steer it.


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Jun 122018

Pacific Rim: Uprising is a visually impressive but vapidly empty sci-fi action-er with mostly paper-thin characters, though they try giving Boyega more to work with, but I’m kind of over destruction porn and the third act takes it up a notch and an ending that sequel-baits.


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Jun 102018

Tomb Raider might be the exception to the rule of an actually good video game adaptation, and not in a so bad it’s good like the Jolie version. I genuinely enjoyed the action sequences and Alicia Vikander really embodied Lara Croft in the character’s current form, quite well.


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Jun 092018

The Hurricane Heist could’ve been a great B-movie action-er but outside of some genuinely funny moments, this is the sort of plot I’ve seen many times over the years, most of them destined for the DTV market, where this one should have landed. As it is, this is not in the least terrible and probably passably entertaining at times.


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