Jul 052018

Rampage is not great yet still a fun and entertaining enough action film that features Dwayne Johnson pretty much playing a similar character to that featured in San Andreas, but still his charisma does go a long way.


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May 022016

I’d say I was vastly disappointed with Misconduct considering the cast the filmmaker managed to gather but I’ve been reviewing too long to give my hopes up and the studio of late hasn’t had a the best of track records but with the likes of Al Pacino and Anthony Hopkins, even in the late stages of their careers, you’d think the script would’ve been better.


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Nov 182015

The Final Girls is one of the better surprises of 2015 with some clever writing, a fun plot device and some unexpectedly genuine moments with the mother-daughter storyline. The Blu-ray has a fair amount of features especially the two commentary tracks and the video and audio transfers are more than adequate for the genre.


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