Apr 142017

Why Him? is certainly not very good but harmless enough and perhaps worth a watch if only for Bryan Cranston and even James Franco who at least were somewhat entertaining to behold as they both appeared to be having fun.


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Apr 122017

Monster Trucks isn’t a very good movie but by the same token, it’s not exactly aimed at someone in their mid-30s either and if I were 8 years old again, I’d no doubt dig the film (at 8 I thought Ghostbusters II was the best movie ever made). Some adults might find it passably entertaining, however.


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Apr 112017

War on Everyone certainly caught me by surprise and it is in apt title in a few ways. This is also one of the more un-PC movies I’ve come across and thanks to that, as well as the performances from Skarsgård and Peña, at least makes it memorable even when the pacing was off.


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Apr 092017

Of these two movies, I found House to be the more entertaining but House II does have its moments but it veers far more into the slapstick comedic territory than its predecessor. As far as this release goes, it is unfortunate that the third and fourth movies weren’t included (they are in the Arrow UK release).


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Apr 042017

Office Christmas Party is yet another comedy with an amazing, and mostly proven, cast (Aniston is probably the standout) that fails due to a screenplay that lacked consistent laughs and features an absolutely cringe-worthy finale.


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Apr 022017

The Bye Bye Man is an all around bad movie that somehow got a theatrical distribution. The young cast isn’t particularly special, and Carrie-Anne Moss’s talents were underutilized, but get the most out of a bad script and a supernatural villain who was anything but scary.


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Mar 302017

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is the type of movie one can admire the technical aspects more so than the story or characters, but that admiration only goes so far. Like The Hobbit before, this just seems like a needless spin-off and I cannot imagine how the material can be stretched into a sequel let alone FOUR more.


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