Caltiki: The Immortal Monster is a quirky 1950s Italian flick that is part silly, part respectable for its effects work that is worthy of watching if only for that aspect, and viewing with friends might make for a fun time.
The Girl with All the Gifts is one of the more surprising movies of 2016 more because it’s yet another in a long line of zombie movies that actually manage to entertain even if it doesn’t exactly break new ground in the genre.
I’m not exactly sure why Underworld: Blood Wars was necessary and especially with the knowledge a sixth one is in the works, but as much as I disliked the previous entries (finding Awakening tolerable apparently, though I can’t remember one damn thing from it), this is probably the worst of the bunch.
Split is a well done, highly suspense-filled psychological thriller from M. Night Shyamalan who seems to have returned to form; though not without the incredible performance(s) from James McAvoy who I really hope is remembered come awards season.
The Handmaid’s Tale is an unusual movie to get released to Blu-ray under Shout’s Select line though it’s likely due to Hulu producing a television series based on the novel. As it is, it’s a bit plodding at times but the acting is top notch from the Natasha Richardson to Robert Duvall as a despicable human being.