Night School is just a poorly made comedy, one which I did not laugh once and goes to show perhaps Kevin Hart’s limitations when he doesn’t have the right director, material and even ensemble cast to work off of.
Venom had the right ingredients from an incredibly talented actor starring, a multi Oscar-nominated actress in the love interest role and an interesting anti-hero in the form of black goo. Unfortunately, the execution wasn’t the best.
Admittedly I was disappointed in I Still See You as there was plenty of potential and while I know it sticks to the source material, the mystery aspect never quite worked.
Anne of the Thousand Days is a well acted and richly photographed drama excelling with the performances from Richard Burton portraying Henry VIII and Genevieve Bujold as Anne Boleyn.
Antony and Cleopatra is a well done historical-drama especially considering it was Charlton Heston’s directorial debut and under major financial constraints, but Heston does a fine job despite being a bit too old while Hildegard Neil was at least a delight as Cleopatra.
Monster Party had a great premise about a group of “recovering” serial killers but that idea doesn’t equate to an all that interesting movie, unfortunately despite some fine moments that aren’t exploited.
Maniac may not be a favorite of mine nor do I hold it in as high regard as others, but there is certainly something to admire from Joe Spinell creepy performance to appreciation of some of the technical aspects of Tom Savini’s effects work.
Very faint praise perhaps, but The Nun is perhaps the better of the three spin-ff movies? Yes, I meant a question mark there… It has a decent atmosphere to it, taking advantage of the Romanian landscape and creepy abbey. Having said that, it is at times pretty dull.
Colette is a well made period drama that excels thanks to some beautiful looking direction by Wash Westmoreland and Keira Knightley’s magnanimous performance, however it was missing emotion at its core.
Peppermint is by no means perfect but it was the perfect action vehicle for Jennifer Garner who gets back to her kick ass routes dating back to the Alias TV series. Here the fights are brutal and hard-hitting and the performances are good enough to make an entertaining action yarn.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation is a film I genuinely do not know if I hated because it was bad or loved because it was batsh*t insane, though I’m currently leaning toward the former.
A Beautiful Planet is a nice enough documentary but also rather broad in terms of any actual information. But most of it is offset with some beautiful imagery courtesy of NASA.
Horror of Dracula is another solid entry of the numerous Dracula films that came out dating back to the 1930s through today, and Christopher Lee yet again plays the Count with some great intensity.
The Jerk: 40th Anniversary Edition is a fine release from Shout Factory. The movie itself is hilarious and showed why Steven Martin became a big star and for the most part, the jokes did landed.