Dec 202024

No Country for Old Men is certainly a solid western-drama that features tremendous performances by Tommy Lee Jones and Javier Bardem, the latter especially making for a quiet but nevertheless menacing villain. That said, this probably being my third viewing, it’s not one that entirely gripped me.


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Nov 082023

Natural Born Killers is a frenetic thriller-drama from writer-director Oliver Stone and while it’s not a movie I ever really liked, it does have great style and amazing performances from Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis.


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May 262019

Batman Forever certainly was a change-up for the franchise after the very dark turn in Batman Returns and to say it’s a 180 is putting it lightly. Although I acknowledge it’s not good, I do have an affinity for the movie due to nostalgia.


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Jan 252018

This Shadow Stalkers set is filled with mostly suspense/thriller-horror movies, much not very well known (at least to me) and a couple (Don’t Answer the Phone and Silent Night, Bloody Night) were previously released in another set (“Faces of Horror”) in my own collection.


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Nov 272016

Jason Bourne had plenty going for it seeing the return of Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass after nearly a decade but what we got instead was a pretty much disinterested party involved and a half-assed script that seems to be a cliché of its previous movies.


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Nov 192016

Mechanic: Resurrection, while not awful and at times passably entertaining, had not reason to even exist, although from my memory was I guess a tad better than its predecessor. The only reason to even sit through this is for Jason Statham who still possesses great charm, otherwise the stunt work isn’t the best and the plot is incredibly thin.


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Jul 182016

Criminal is your run-of-the-mill action/thriller that succeeds mostly with a strong ensemble cast led way by Kevin Costner who gives a nice performance while Gary Oldman, Tommy Lee Jones and Ryan Reynolds are more background noise. This is the perfect movie as a rental, but not much more.


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Jul 152016

Criminal is your run-of-the-mill action/thriller that succeeds mostly with a strong ensemble cast led way by Kevin Costner who gives a nice performance while Gary Oldman, Tommy Lee Jones and Ryan Reynolds are more background noise. This is the perfect movie as a rental, but not much more.


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Oct 072013

Volcano isn’t exactly a memorable disaster movie as it utilizes every cliché in the book but Tommy Lee Jones, Anne Heche and, to a lesser extent, Don Cheadle, each give admirable performances slugging through stilted dialogue and utterly laughable situations. Still, it’s passable entertainment but don’t go in, or leave, with anything more than what it is.

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Aug 292013

The Fugitive remains one of the best action-thrillers I’ve seen in many years and easily a standout of TV to screen adaptations. Despite being 130-minutes long, the film flies by and utilizes each minute with little filler. The performances from Ford and Jones are phenomenal even though neither of them shared more than a few minutes of screen time together.



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