Madame Web might have an interesting story somewhere but is another Sony/Marvel that fails just about at every level from the acting, writing and direction, it doesn’t even have that trainwreck aspect going for it either.
Madame Web might have an interesting story somewhere but is another Sony/Marvel that fails just about at every level from the acting, writing and direction, it doesn’t even have that trainwreck aspect going for it either.
Black Widow is a movie that was released a few years too late for sure, however the execution of what we did get was lackluster with a few plot points that didn’t make very much sense, however I did like Scarlett Johansson even if she feels like a side character at times.
Captain America: The First Avenger has a few things going for it, mostly in the set design, costume design and cinematography but most everything else was standard and unimaginative including actor Chris Evans himself. There’s certainly a fine jump off point for this potential franchise I think in the hands of a better director, it could achieve so much more.
Marvel Knights “Iron Man: Extremis” and “Spider-Woman: Agent of S.W.O.R.D.” are two decent motion comics which I’m certain will thrill fans of each character and the comic book they are based upon. For me, I’ve never been a big fan of the motion comic but even so, they are entertaining and at a low price is worth picking up especially if you don’t already own the individual DVD releases.