The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 is a letdown mostly because it shows why the final chapter didn’t need to be split into two with extraneous scenes that weren’t necessary in telling the story.
Anastasia is a well made movie of one of the more intriguing stories in modern history: the existence of the sole survivor of the Romanov family. The performances all around are well done headlined by both Ingrid Bergman and Yul Brynner and in conjunction with director Anatole Litvak, it’s a film well worth checking out even if it’s fictitious.
#Horror is an apt title as it was a horror show from beginning to end… and not in a good way. The logic is non-existent but I could overlook that but when you have basically nothing but obnoxious characters, the majority pre-teen girls who were annoying, it was tough to sit through and early on I was rooting for the killer.
Although hardly perfect, and doesn’t hold a candle to A New Hope or Empire Strikes Back, The Force Awakens is still an entertaining sci-fi action/adventure that not only brings back the old crew but does a great job introducing a new cast of characters as portrayed by Daisy Ridley, John Boyega and Adam Driver.
The Manchurian Candidate is a movie for its time, fear of communism and an idea that I’m sure some find merit today, a politician being controlled by a foreign government or, as is the case with the 2004 remake, corporation. The film also excels in the acting department with top notch performances by Sinatra, Harvey and Lansbury.
Species was a fun guilty pleasure. No, it wasn’t great but at least it gave us a quasi-star in Natasha Henstridge and some quality effects work. The sequel was dumb but had some minor entertainment value but as Hollywood tends to do, they milk a franchise for its worth. The third and fourth movies were, frankly, crap.