Apr 152016

Uptown Girls is a breezy but nice little comedy featuring pleasant performances by Brittany Murphy and Dakota Fanning to go along with an interesting enough plot. The Blu-ray released through Olive Films has some actual features to go along with the so-so video and audio transfers.


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Mar 292016

Cherry Falls isn’t a very well made horror flick because for one, the killer isn’t nearly as mysterious as the filmmakers wanted it to be and it clearly took more than a few cues from Scream with a mixture of horror and comedy.


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Feb 252015

Something Wicked isn’t a good movie but there’s elements that with some help could’ve made it a fun little B-movie. The performance from lead actress Shantel VanSanten is actually not bad and I hope she receives more opportunities with better material to work with. The DVD released by Arc Entertainment is basic with only a trailer and decent to good video and audio transfers.



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