Jun 152016

The Other Side of the Door is just the latest terrible horror film to hit the market. The scares are basically non-existent but worse yet, it’s such a dumb story in conjunctions with characters making ridiculous decisions culminating with an ending that made little sense.


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Jun 142016

The Funhouse Massacre isn’t a half bad indie horror flick with some impressive make-up effects and even the performances aren’t terrible, though Robert Englund’s role is very much a cameo appearing in the film for maybe 10 minutes.


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Jun 142016

Wim Wenders’ character-driven drama wants to be emotional and weighty but fails in both regards. While the performances from McAdams and Croze weren’t bad, Franco seemed to be miscast though he still does enough to make for an amiable character. The screenplay could’ve used an extra draft however all in all, I still found Every Thing Will Be Fine to be satisfyingly above average.


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Jun 122016

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi is an even-keeled telling of the events of that night with minimal political undertones sticking with the actual attacks than placing blame. The performances are all well done highlighted by James Badge Dale and, surprisingly, John Krasinski.


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Jun 112016

It just doesn’t seem fair that it would seem subsequent seasons of “Game of Thrones” gets better but it’s happened… yet again. After a third season ripe with more violence, and blood, than the previous two probably combined (and that’s saying something), season four might take it up a notch, but it’s at least a lateral move.


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Jun 102016

Zootopia is on the heavy-handed side of its message however it’s a good one that would be beneficial to kids (and their parents for that matter). The animation is fantastic and the humor mostly works as does the voice talent involved.


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Jun 102016

“Roots” was a phenomenon for television and still relates so well today. Featuring top-notch performances from the likes of LeVar Burton and Louis Gossett Jr. amongst many others, this is well worth watching even for younger viewers though I suspect some will navigate toward the recent remake.


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Jun 102016

“Game of Thrones”: The Complete Third Season is once more great culminating in one of the more memorable episodes in television history whether or not you’re a fan of George R.R. Martin’s novels (never read them myself). Now, as far as this “Limited Edition” release is concerned, it’s a tough call on the worthiness of a double dip; unless you can unload your current set.


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Jun 092016

The Crush isn’t a good movie by any stretch but can be a guilty pleasure. It’s probably one Alicia Silverstone’s better performances, behind Clueless, and a lot of fun seeing/hearing Cary Elwes struggle with his American accent. The film is at best passable entertainment but not much more than that.


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Jun 062016

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is not only the best film among the Trek franchise but one of the best science fiction movies below The Empire Strikes Back. The performances are all great but Ricardo Montalban easily steals the show. This new release finally includes The Director’s Cut which should’ve been with the original collection.


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Jun 032016

Get a Job is the quintessential movie that gathered dust on some shelf and finally saw the light of day courtesy of an On Demand or DTV release; it’s also telling that the film couldn’t get sold in spite of co-starring Anna Kendrick hot off of the success of Pitch Perfect. The final result is a laugh-less comedy with thinly written characters.


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Jun 022016

Gods of Egypt has its moments but as a whole it’s not well made in spite of a talented enough filmmaker in Alex Proyas and a respectable cast, in particular Gerard Butler hamming it up to great effect; not to mention lovely actresses Elodie Yung and Courtney Eaton as love interests to the two leads. This is probably worth a rental, not much more.


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