My Cousin Rachel was one of the bigger disappointments for me as I do like the cast, mainly Rachel Weisz, but the story never really came together as it could’ve and the pacing was dreadfully slow.
I didn’t feel The Mummy was a bad movie but worse yet, a completely forgettable one. Tom Cruise never really felt at home, Annabelle Wallis was rather bland in the female lead, Russell Crowe unremarkable in a forced appearance as Jekyll/Hyde and Sofia Boutella makes for a hot mummy, but not very threatening.
All Eyez on Me might be the long-awaited and most anticipated bio-pic on Tupac Shakur but speaking as someone who didn’t really follow his career growing up but this drama is underwhelming to say the least with some poor writing and so-so performances, though Demetrius Shipp Jr. is the spitting image of Shakur and does well in the role.
No Escape is an all around entertaining film perfect for a Saturday movie night. No, it doesn’t make you think or have any profound performances but the acting isn’t bad with Owen Wilson serving as a fine everyman type of character and Pierce Brosnan in his small part is a lot of fun. This is probably worthy of a rental.