Jun 032019

Doubtful many remember either one of these movies which were released in the mid-90s and probably for good reason. Despite respectable casts, Body Count especially, the stories were generally messy and worse yet, not very memorable.


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Sep 022017

I didn’t feel The Mummy was a bad movie but worse yet, a completely forgettable one. Tom Cruise never really felt at home, Annabelle Wallis was rather bland in the female lead, Russell Crowe unremarkable in a forced appearance as Jekyll/Hyde and Sofia Boutella makes for a hot mummy, but not very threatening.


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Dec 272012

Premium Rush is one of the breeziest films to come out in 2012, one where you don’t have much to figure out and instead just sit back and enjoy the show, thin as the story might be. But thanks to some nifty stunts, an “interesting” performance from Michael Shannon channeling his inner-“Looney Tunes” and some impressive bike work by Gordon-Levitt, the film is at least worth a glance though I don’t think the replay value on this is very high.


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