Aug 142017

Once Upon a Time in Venice doesn’t quite work either as crime or comedy, but I have to admit to chucking a few times here and there and can appreciate the cast, though the likes of John Goodman and Famke Janssen were underutilized.


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Aug 122017

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword actually isn’t a terrible movie and yet, a couple problems: 1. There really is a need for yet another adaptation, even one that incorporates more mystical elements, 2. Guy Ritchie’s style doesn’t quite gel with the material and 3. Charlie Hunnam doesn’t nearly have enough charisma to carry this movie.


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Aug 112017

Going in Style is a light-hearted but incredibly fun, and oft funny, movie that excels almost entirely on the cast charms and chemistry with one another as Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and Alan Arkin work so well off one another, even when the script isn’t all that creative.


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Aug 082017

Re-Animator is a fun horror-comedy from the mid-80s, with enough blood to satisfy gore-hounds, and receives a nice upgrade over its 2012 Blu-ray stocked full of wonderful extras, a few new to this release from Arrow Video, and offering up excellent video and audio transfers.


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Aug 062017

Teen Wolf Too is really the quintessential example of a needless sequel, though not nearly as awful as something like Weekend at Bernie’s 2, not that’s all saying that much, even Michael J. Fox’s charm could’ve saved this.


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Aug 062017

Teen Wolf isn’t exactly a memorable film from the 1980s, not even the most memorable Michael J. Fox movie of 1985 for that matter, but it’s still a lot of fun and with that era, the make-up effects actually weren’t half and the movie itself is propelled on Fox’s charisma.


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Aug 052017

I am so sick of these found footage films and Phoenix Forgotten is one of the poorer outings, even when I went in with low of low expectations. Two-thirds of the movie is utterly dull and the finale hardly can make up for the lack of interest that came before, to go along with cardboard cutout characters.


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Jul 312017

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (but were afraid to ask) is a series of comedy vignettes featuring Woody Allen, Burt Reynolds and Gene Wilder amongst others and while none of these were exactly gems (I didn’t laugh once during the jester part), it’s still at least okay.


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