Aug 242017

Blindspot: The Complete Second Season is nice step up from an already good freshman season with an expansion on the mystery surrounding Jane Doe and a fine mixture between procedural and serial and an effective season-long villain.


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Aug 232017

It’s, well, Inconceivable how a movie like this could get made as the story has been done numerous times before, no doubt countless Lifetime Movies, but worst of all, been done better before with the likes of The Hand That Rocks the Cradle. As it is, there’s not much to really enjoy from this.


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Aug 232017

Baywatch actually was a bit better than I expected as I did manage to chuckle throughout and the film does a good job honoring yet also making fun of the old series (a la 21 Jump Street). This is a worthy rental.


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Aug 222017

Supergirl: The Complete Second Season is quite entertaining in spite of its faults with the script writing and some performances, yet Melissa Benoist is a delight in the lead, almost Christopher Reeve-esque in her cheerfulness, and the season-long arcs were compelling.


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Aug 202017

Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2 is a good step down from the first movie but still enjoyable enough even if the jokes at times feel forced and the story not quite as strong, and a villain’s motivations a bit of a letdown. That said, the performances were mostly good especially Karen Gillan and Michael Rooker.


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Aug 192017

Black Sails: The Complete Fourth Season is a solid and fine finale for the series that, as in previous seasons, is notable for the performances of Toby Stephens and Hannah New with special acknowledgment to Ray Stevenson as Blackbeard, whose presence is always welcomed.


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Aug 192017

It’s something to go into a movie with low expectations and Snatched actually was a tad better, that’s not saying much, however. The first 20-minutes or so was a slog to sit through but as Schumer and Hawn are together in South America, and especially when Maloni enters the picture (in an all too brief role), things did pick up.


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Aug 192017

The Exception is a well acted and finely told story featuring strong performances from Lily James, Jai Courtney – both sharing wonderful chemistry – and the always fantastical, Christopher Plummer. At the very least this is well worth a rental.


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Aug 192017

Probably the only thing the Blackbeard mini-series is remembered for is being one of Jessica Chastain’s first major roles, otherwise most everything in this seemed cheap from including the production and at nearly three hours, a slog to sit through.


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Aug 172017

Chuck is a run-of-the-mill boxing drama that features some solid performances headlined by Liev Schreiber, Elisabeth Moss and Jim Gaffigan, though in Schreiber’s case, it’s amazing the work he was able to do with the amount of make-up caked on his face…


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Aug 162017

This 2005 TV adaptation of The Poseidon Adventure is pretty awful. Not only is the acting bad, I honestly expected a bit more from Rutger Hauer and even Peter Weller, it’s a story stretched across 170+ minutes, it is quite tedious to sit through.


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