Tenet isn’t one of Christopher Nolan’s better movies but there are some interesting elements and the technical aspects like the visual effects, are top notch and although it’s hard to wrap my head around the concept while watching, it is unique.
The Dark Knight might just be the closest to superhero movie perfection as they come and although it might be mostly remembered for Heath Ledger’s amazing performance which garnered him an Oscar posthumously, the script is expertly written by Jonathan and Christopher Nolan.
Batman Begins is perhaps one of the best superhero origin movies ever made, maybe slightly behind Superman but ahead of Iron Man. The performances from (most) of the cast is solid and Bale was genius casting helped by a legendary supporting cast.
Man of Steel had the opportunity to be a lot better but as it stands, I actually found it enjoyable and kind of liked some of the changes Zack Snyder, David Goyer and, in small part, Christopher Nolan, made, but I can understand why others would be fervently against them.