Jurassic World Domination seems to be the end of the feature film franchise and instead of going out with a roar, it went out with a thud.
Jurassic World Domination seems to be the end of the feature film franchise and instead of going out with a roar, it went out with a thud.
Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2 is a good step down from the first movie but still enjoyable enough even if the jokes at times feel forced and the story not quite as strong, and a villain’s motivations a bit of a letdown. That said, the performances were mostly good especially Karen Gillan and Michael Rooker.
Jurassic World could’ve been special but instead we get thinly developed characters, a plot that’s a rehash of the original and a subplot that even Dr. Evil would think was ridiculous. But all of that could be overlooked if it were fun and entertaining; instead I found it to be on the dull side with little suspense to help mask the film’s imperfections.
The LEGO Movie is easily one heck of a fun flick with a sharp script that appeals to both kids and adults, masterful voice casting (especially Will Arnett as Batman) and the animation is absolutely wonderful.