Survive the Night is merely one of those bland movies that’s just competent enough to not be bad yet have such an average script to be all that entertaining, even as a time-waster.
10 Minutes Gone is another poor direct-to-video movie but this one featured a slapped-together plot, stilted dialogue and phoned-in performances, especially from Bruce Willis.
No doubt Die Hard still is an incredible action-thriller after all of these years and has great replay value, also reminding me of Bruce Willis’s charisma of being an ordinary man in extraordinary circumstances (something forgotten in the later sequels).
The Fifth Element is a mixed bag of a film with some great flare and style but then you add in Chris Tucker and his obnoxious character to balance all that good out. On the plus side, Gary Oldman, as outlandish as his character is, is a lot of fun to watch and Milla Jovovich provides a nice spark.