Sep 192021

The Shawshank Redemption is a movie I really should re-watch every other year if not every year as it’s an extraordinary and perfect film from the script to direction to the phenomenal performances from Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman.


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Sep 172021

F9: The Fast Saga might have some insane scenes but not quite in the good way. There are some okay little moments like seeing some old character reunite, however this is missing the magic with the series’ height: the chemistry with Vin Diesel and the late Paul Walker.


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Sep 112021

Black Widow is a movie that was released a few years too late for sure, however the execution of what we did get was lackluster with a few plot points that didn’t make very much sense, however I did like Scarlett Johansson even if she feels like a side character at times.


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Sep 092021

Nashville is a lengthy but ultimately decent ensemble musical-drama-comedy from Robert Altman and features David Arkin, Barbara Baxley, Ned Beatty, Karen Black, Keith Carradine, Shelley Duvall, Jeff Goldblum amongst many, many others.


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