Jun 042020

Creepshow: Season 1 is a fun anthology series and as someone who prefers the more episodic shows, this one I found pretty entertaining even if some segments weren’t always top-notch, though the season does boast a respectable cast.


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Nov 042019

Two Evil Eyes puts together two of the most prominent horror directors, George Romero and Dario Argento and while the movie is far from perfect, and I did have a preference for Romero’s The Facts in the Case of Mr. Valdermar, but The Black Cat had its moments as well.


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Oct 312018

Batman: The Animated Series is easily one of the best animated shows ever, able to transcend generations appealing to both kids and adults alike, and from a technical standpoint a (darkly) wonderful achievement with the design to go along with the pitch perfect voice castings.


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Oct 262018

Creepshow wasn’t a great anthology horror movie but at least three out of the five stories were at least somewhat entertaining and I thoroughly enjoyed “Something to Tide You Over” seeing Leslie Nielson and Ted Danson in dramatic roles.


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