Dec 012016

War Dogs could’ve been better but as it is, the performances by Jonah Hill and Miles Teller were solid, as was Bradley Cooper’s brief role, yet the story never quite hit its mark for me. At the very least, it is worth a rental.


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Nov 302016

Hell or High Water was one of the bigger surprises of a downtrodden 2016 and while I don’t think it’s perfect, as a character-driven, modern-day Western, it is fantastic with performances by Jeff Bridges, Ben Foster and Chris Pine (in that order).


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Nov 302016

Hands of Stone isn’t a half-bad boxing drama biopic and yet by the end, I wasn’t exactly connected on any level with the story and outside of some nice performances, there’s not much that stands out.


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Nov 292016

The Squid and the Whale is a poignant family drama featuring some really fine performances, the main one being Jeff Daniels who shockingly (or not) did not at least secure an Academy Award nomination. But beyond that, this is a story which transcends generations.


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Nov 292016

Mad Max: Fury Road is a title that lives up to its name. The action is incredible and the characters outlandish yet awfully fun. It’s a great revival of the franchise from the creator himself and it features some of the most impressive stunt work captured to film with only moderate use of CGI to tie it all together.


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Nov 282016

Punch-Drunk Love isn’t one of Paul Thomas Anderson’s greatest work, yet it’s still a lovely film nevertheless, what was most impressive then and now is seeing that Adam Sandler can turn in a well done, dramatic performance and paired with the exquisite Emily Watson makes for a poignant little romance-drama.


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Nov 272016

Jason Bourne had plenty going for it seeing the return of Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass after nearly a decade but what we got instead was a pretty much disinterested party involved and a half-assed script that seems to be a cliché of its previous movies.


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Nov 262016

Time After Time is an obscure movie from the late 1970s but as cheesy as it is in some instances, it’s still a fun flick featuring good performances from Malcolm McDowell and David Warner with honorable mention to Mary Steenburgen before she would fall in love with another time traveler a decade later.


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Nov 252016

The Chase is an all-star centered crime-drama and an acting tour-de-force from Marlon Brando to Jane Fonda and Robert Redford. It’s somewhat of a forgotten film but thankfully finds a home on Blu-ray through Twilight Time’s Limited Edition series.


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Nov 232016

Although hardly great, C.H.U.D. is a fun 1980s flick with some OK performances from an impressive cast led way by future Home Alone alums John Heard and Daniel Stern. The story is goofy but still classic so for any fans of the era, it might make for a enjoyable trip down memory lane.


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Nov 222016

Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders was certainly an interesting concept but perhaps one a decade or so too late and it was pretty distracting hearing a nearly 90-year-old Adam West and a 70-year-old Burt Ward voicing characters in their 30s and teens, respectively. Still, there is a modest amount of entertainment value.


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