Mar 022019

Kalifornia is one hell of a road trip of a movie that excels thanks two amazing performances from Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis, and if this film had found any traction, Pitt at the very least should’ve gotten an Oscar nomination.


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Feb 272019

Starsky & Hutch is one of the better, for what it’s worth, TV-to-film adaptations as Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson were great together and the humor mostly landed and seeing this 15 years later was a lot of fun.


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Feb 272019

There’s no doubt Queen is a true hall of fame band and Freddie Mercury a transformative musician, but this bio-pic, while well produced and finely acted, feels a bit sterilized relaying Mercury’s life but keeping it within the PG-13 realm.


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Feb 182019

Waterworld over the course of 20 years has washed away (so to speak) some of the negativity related to its lackluster box office set against its tremendous budget. Watching all these years later, and the long awaited Ulysses Cut no less, I found it to be a really fun apocalyptic action-thriller.


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