Jun 122021

Godzilla vs. Kong is a fun-filled entertaining action-monster schlock of a film. The effects work is well done and the story is good enough with the human elements thankfully taking a backseat to the two monsters.


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Jun 102021

Indiana Jones: 4-Movie Collection is a great and near-perfect set that includes excellent video and audio transfers now in 4K and Atmos tracks for each film.


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May 162021

Chaos Walking has a more interesting back story than the story itself. The concept is interesting but the plot muddles along and outside of a couple decent scenes and performances from Holland and Ridley, doesn’t have very much memorable going for it.


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May 082021

King Kong (1976) is certainly a flawed movie, entertaining for the most part though, but the biggest drawback is with the Kong suit which sometimes looks fine but his facial expressions were at best goofy, at worst downright creepy.


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May 072021

Fast Times at Ridgemont High comes to Blu-ray for a second time, now getting the Criterion Collection treatment with an upgrade video transfer and a new interview feature; between the two worth the price, along with a really funny movie.


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