Jan 162014

costing an astounding $36 million back in 1978/79 (equivalent of over $100 million today), Raise the Titanic is an obscure film that maybe found some form of an audience today but back then was one of the biggest box office flops of all time. And frankly, despite some OK underwater effects and model work, the movie is kind of dull and not terribly well acted.


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Dec 272013

Prisoners is certainly one of the better movies to come out of 2013, though I do think it was a tad overrated given the hype. However, the performances from Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal are brilliant and the atmosphere brought by Villeneuve and DP Deakins is absolutely absorbing.


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Dec 272013

In spite of a truly funny beginning, Hell Baby does tend to wear out its welcome even though the ending is satisfactory enough. However, if you enjoyed “Reno 911” and “Children’s Hospital”, the comedic styles will definitely be up your ally and help get through some of duller and dumber moments.


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Dec 162013

I might take some heat for saying this, but I didn’t think The Mortal Instruments was that bad of a movie. No, the cast wasn’t exactly the best with a few roles needing re-casting, but the story was at least half-coherent, if not sloppy, and Lily Collins for her part seemed to have carried the main role fairly well.



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