Jul 292017

I can’t stress at how much I loathed Song to Song. I’ve seen plenty of bad movies, but none of them have had me in so much pain to sit through since, well, Malick’s To the Wonder, with only a few very minor redeeming values with the performances by a talented cast.


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Jul 282017

Slither is a wild and fun creature-horror that has plenty of that James Gunn humor that has worked so well in his Guardians films. The cast headlined by Nathan Fillion, the beautiful Elizabeth Banks and inscrutable Michael Rooker are fantastic and although I don’t think it’s some classic, this is one I’ll check out again.


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Jul 202017

Unforgettable is an ironic name since the film is anything but; however beyond the title, this is just not a good movie, even on a so good it’s bad kind of way. I can’t say either Rosario Dawson or Katherine Heigl gave particularly poor performances considering the script was awful.


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Jul 192017

The Warlock movies are silly and at least in the case of the first two, they embrace their silliness and although the sequel isn’t as good, there’s some entertainment value, but the first is easily the best while the third is, well, better than expected, not that that’s saying much.


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Jul 162017

I’d say Ghost in the Shell was one of the bigger disappointments of 2017 but considering what I had been seeing before its release, including the director, expectations were vastly lowered and it was pretty much matched. No, it’s not horrible but in trying to satisfy fans and the general audience, the studio failed at both.


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Jul 162017

The Stendhal Syndrome may not be perfect, but with Dario Argento’s amazing direction and unsettling atmosphere, in conjunction with hauntingly creepy performances by his daughter, Asia Argento, and Thomas Kretschmann, it does make for an effective horror-thriller, some aspects truly disturbing.


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Jul 152017

Kong: Skull Island isn’t perfect but still fun and entertaining enough with director Vogt-Roberts intermixing monster movie with a Vietnam-era war picture and even the human characters weren’t bad, if not thinly written at times while Kong himself does show a bit of personality and his CGI was pretty good.


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