Evil is a dark but engaging supernatural crime-drama featuring a solid cast headlined by Katja Herbers, Mike Colter and Michael Emerson being as creepy as ever. The season lays a good foundation for a second season.
The fourth season “Person of Interest” is another solid year for the series expanding the world and adding the new element in another machine, an adversary that makes the gang’s lives far more difficult and harder to help those in need. The performances all around are quite good and I only wonder where they go from here going into a 13-episode fifth season which, unless ratings improve, might be the series’ last.
“Person of Interest”: The Complete Third Season is another good, even great, run for the Jonathan Nolan-created series. The acting is nearly top-notched but most of all, the stories are captivating and fresh, trying new things and presenting different antagonists (this year an organization named “Vigilance”) to challenge our heroes.