Jul 152016

The Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Ultimate Edition does plenty things to correct the hacked up theatrical version though if you didn’t like the plot the first go-around, the UE won’t change your mind. For myself, as a fan of Batman in particular, found it entertaining mainly for Ben Affleck’s portrayal as the Dark Knight and a nice glimpse of what’s to come for Gadot’s Wonder Woman.


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May 112016

Standoff is hardly a great movie but it is refreshingly simple one featuring two veteran actors who didn’t appear to be phoning in their performances. The writing isn’t the best as it seems the filmmakers were going for some sort of modern western with its dialogue which at times stood out.


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Nov 072013

Man of Steel had the opportunity to be a lot better but as it stands, I actually found it enjoyable and kind of liked some of the changes Zack Snyder, David Goyer and, in small part, Christopher Nolan, made, but I can understand why others would be fervently against them.


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Oct 122012

Masters of the Universe is a silly movie that seems to be better regarded today than it was back in 1987. The visual effects at times is lame, the acting fairly substandard save for Frank Langella and the story is fairly thin, though given the source material (a toy line and cartoon series), one has to give credit to the writer for doing his best.


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Sep 132012

Snow White and the Huntsman had great potential between the cast (Charlize Theron especially), adequate direction from Rupert Sanders, and some truly impressive art and production design. However, for all the good the film has going for it, everything else is kind of bland. The opening of the movie is fine but the middle portion meanders and Kristen Stewart has limited emotions making it difficult to really care about what happens to her.


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