Juror #2 may not be the highlight from Clint Eastwood as a directory, however it is a perfectly watchable legal drama with decent enough performances.
Juror #2 may not be the highlight from Clint Eastwood as a directory, however it is a perfectly watchable legal drama with decent enough performances.
Escape from Alcatraz is an all around entertaining suspense-thriller, pretty simple and straight forward though enough character development to get the viewer to care about these men.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is a great western-thriller thanks to a wonderful core cast with Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach and even for those not inclined to enjoy westerns, like myself.
Escape from Alcatraz is one of my personal favorites from Clint Eastwood and although it’s hardly perfect, it is efficient in both its story telling as well as character development giving us just enough to care about the outcomes.
Jersey Boys is clearly a passion project for producer/director Clint Eastwood and although the cast perform admirably enough, I never quite found the feature that engrossing but admittedly, I also don’t have much of a connection with the music or the group, so those who do (older crowd) might get more out of the movie than others.
Twilight Time’s release of Thunderbolt and Lightfoot, a long ignored title within the MGM catalogue line, is a fun flick featuring excellent performances from Clint Eastwood and Jeff Bridges set against the beautifully photographed backdrop of the Midwest.
The praise for Million Dollar Baby might have waned over the years and upon its release got its fair share of spoofs, but 8 years later I still loved just about every minute of it even if it’s as depressing as all hell.
J. Edgar is one of those films that you can see the passion be it from the costume design, production design and the cast. It’s unfortunate that the screenplay never quite gives the viewer a reason to care either way. Worst still, the movie plods along at a slow and arduous pace and although I appreciate the non-linear storytelling (it worked for Scorsese in The Aviator after all), it doesn’t do any justice for the character in the long run.