Jan 182016

The Intern has its problems for sure, specifically in the screenplay department where it is a half baked plot and gets sidetracked with semi-subplots that don’t amount to very much and are a bit too outlandish. That said, I did like the core cast, particularly Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway who made this far more entertaining than it really deserved.


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Jan 172016

Jem and the Holograms doesn’t have very much going for it, save maybe for Juliette Lewis who hammed it up well enough, and doesn’t even crossing into the so bad its good territory, and I’m not entirely sure if it’s even worth a Netflix/Redbox.


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Jan 162016

The Condemned 2 is merely the latest dumb direct-to-video to come down the pike with clunky dialogue, mundane action and poor acting albeit at least Eric Roberts was semi-enjoyable in his role for whatever that’s worth. No doubt if this sells well we’ll see a third entry probably starring Dean Ambrose or something.


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Jan 162016

Sicario is one of the best movies of 2015 thanks to the direction, cinematography and Del Toro’s brilliant performance which bizarrely was overlooked by the Academy. Beyond that, it’s just a well paced thriller that never lets up yet still some nice character moments.


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Jan 152016

Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension is another dud of a sequel in a franchise that should’ve stopped at #3 in making for at least a endurable enough trilogy. While this entry is tolerable, it’s still really bad and tedious with little actual scares and once gain relies on jump scares more than anything.


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Jan 152016

Kings Go Forth is a well intentioned but ultimately ineffective war-romance-drama though the three leads – Sinatra, Curtis and Wood – all turn in fine performances. The Blu-ray released by Twilight Time offers good video and audio transfers but disappoints in the features department.


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Jan 112016

Memories of the Sword is just your run-of-the-mill fantasy martial arts flick, the kind I’ve seen too many times. The lead actress isn’t bad but otherwise it’s a forgettable film. The Blu-ray released through Well Go USA offers good video and audio transfers, well adequate enough anyway, but falls far short in the bonus material department.


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Jan 102016

Irrational Man is not nearly one of Woody Allen’s greatest films, a far cry from Midnight in Paris which was a magical film or comes close to his older classics, but it’s got its certain dark charms especially with the performances by Joaquin Phoenix and Emma Stone.


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Jan 082016

Needless to say, Everest isn’t exactly a lighthearted adventure flick but in spite of that, and some so-so writing, the performances from the ensemble cast, Jason Clarke and Josh Brolin especially, makes it worthwhile, though for myself, I’m not sure if I’d ever revisit it. The Blu-ray released by Universal offers excellent video and audio transfers and a fine selection of bonus material.


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Jan 032016

The Walk, technically speaking, is a well done biographical drama. However, I really didn’t find Petit’s past all that interesting in spite of a nice performance from Joseph Gordon-Levitt, French accent and all. But as one would expect, the highlight of the film is the prep and actual walk across the Twin Towers.


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Jan 022016

Sinister 2 has to have been one of the duller horror films I’ve come across and unlike the original this has no mystery, suspense or, laughably, anything remotely scary. The cast actually isn’t terrible considering what they had to work with but there’s nothing else that’s redeemable.


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Dec 312015

Dragon Blade is a respectable enough flick but not much more. The fights are well choreographed, thanks to Jackie Chan who served as the action director, but the story is terribly predictable and Adrien Brody, as fine of an actor as he is, phones in his performance as the primary villain.


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