Jun 182022

There’s no doubt Robert Eggers is a talented filmmaker and while I can appreciate some of the technical achievements with bringing a Viking lore to life, and the entire cast giving solid performances, I wasn’t entirely captured by the story and in the end, despite some wonderful visuals, found this to be fairly forgettable.


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Jun 142022

Ambulance had a simple plot but this being directed by Michael Bay, he makes it far longer than it needed to be, stretching it past two hours and making it less than riveting, not helped by the choppy editing and nausea-inducing drone shots.


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Jun 012022

Ziegfeld Girl debuts on Blu-ray courtesy of the Warner Archive Collection receiving a new video restoration and stars James Stewart, Judy Garland, Hedy Lamarr and Lana Turner. The Blu-ray comes out June 7th.


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