Feb 222018

The 9 Lives Movie Collection is the usual cheap release put out by Mill Creek mostly recycling Sony movies they have the rights for and probably were part of a collection in the past. Considering the movies here, you’re really not getting high quality work but some entertaining flicks mixed in with some bad ones


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Feb 202018

Homeland: The Complete Sixth Season is easily the worst of what was otherwise a strong series. The performance from Mandy Patinkin is still strong while Claire Danes’ character storyline meanders and isn’t all that engaging.


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Feb 192018

The Star technically isn’t a great animated movie by any stretch but it is perfectly safe and unlike The Emoji Movie, did illicit a few laughs from me and never once came across as cynical, and the voice talents was pretty impressive while the animation, albeit nothing extraordinary, was passable.


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Feb 162018

Daddy’s Home 2 might not be very good and some Christmas comedy-classic-in-the-making this is not, but I did manage to chuckle a few times here and there and I did genuinely enjoy seeing Mel Gibson generally being a dick, otherwise it’s an unmemorable film.


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Feb 072018

The Silence of the Lambs is easily one of my favorite movies of all-time (top 10) and is probably The Godfather of the suspense-thriller genre with incredible performances from Foster, Hopkins and Levine and an all-around great experience that has held up incredibly well over the years.


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