Jun 022014

RoboCop actually isn’t that bad of a movie and taken on its own, it’s at least enjoyable enough. However, unlike its 1987 counterpart, it’s unlikely to be remembered years from now and like Total Recall (a movie I actually liked), will be a mere footnote alongside so many other remakes and reboots. This one has a few things going for it from an eclectic cast to wonderful production design and cinematography.


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May 302014

Son of God is a cheap money maker for the studio, re-cutting the popular “Bible” miniseries for a feature-length movie. What’s here is generally acceptable acting but more in line for television and some respectable production design although the visual effects aren’t anything great. It’s an inoffensive movie and isn’t terrible but also nothing I can recommend.



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 05/30/2014  Blu-ray Reviews, Quick Hit Reviews Tagged with:
May 292014

Endless Love actually isn’t a terrible film (not exactly the highest praise, I know) where the two leads at least have some good chemistry and Bruce Greenwood is a lot of fun even if his character becomes a caricature by the end. It’s the typical love story seen numerous time but it’s not all bad and at least watchable if not also safe and forgettable.


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May 262014

Final Exam is seemingly the prototype of 1980s slasher, attempting to cash in on the successes from Halloween and Friday the 13th, and in this instance, it doesn’t work… at all. I don’t have a problem with bloodless horror movies or ones with a low body count so long as the other scenes provide some sort of character development or building up of suspense, which doesn’t happen here.


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May 252014

In the Blood has plenty of issues but with Gina Carano’s fighting skills and being at least an adequate enough actress on par with 80s/90s versions of Jean-Claude Van Dam and Steven Seagal, has the potential to be a staple in the thin mindless action flicks if she picks the right scripts.



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May 182014

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is hardly the perfect movie, it’s not even a good thriller, but it’s a satisfying enough flick so long as you aren’t a fan of the character or novels. The plot is a bit thin but the action scenes, as dumb since as they may be, were well filmed at least.



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May 182014

Fate is the Hunter is actually a pretty decent film focusing on faith and, obviously, fate, making it something more than merely an overwrought 1960s disaster drama. The performances from Glenn Ford, Nancy Kwan and Rod Taylor are all superb and the effects, save for some wonky editing, were impressive for their time.


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