Dec 082016

The Hollars is a well made family drama-comedy with several great performances but none better than Margo Martindale who is a true delight and should get an Oscar nomination out of this role. John Krasinski is a fine actor and is in his element with this material and as a director, isn’t flashy and lets the acting do the talking.


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Dec 072016

Pete’s Dragon is a fun flick for the entire family with respectable visual effects work on the dragon and some fine performances from the human cast with the kids coming across well and avoiding the pratfalls of child actors in these types of movies.


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Dec 072016

Stagecoach: The Texas Jack Story is hardly a great western, in fact it’s a movie filled with a bunch of western clichés and some so-so acting by lead Trace Adkins. Still, there’s a moderate amount of entertainment if only to see Judd Nelson as an outlaw.


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Dec 062016

Suicide Squad clearly wasn’t the home-run the DCEU needed as demonstrated by both critics and some audiences but although it is very flawed, particularly with the screenplay, I still found it enjoyable if only to see some iconic characters sharing wonderful chemistry.


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Dec 062016

Suicide Squad clearly wasn’t the home-run the DCEU needed as demonstrated by both critics and some audiences but although it is very flawed, particularly with the screenplay, I still found it enjoyable if only to see some iconic characters sharing wonderful chemistry.


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Dec 052016

Black Christmas didn’t quite grab me as it has others, but there is certain creepiness and combined with a fun cast and some genuine scary moments here and there, along with a twist that’s ingrained in most people’s minds, the film at least was entertaining.


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Dec 042016

Dreamscape is a sometimes cheesy 1980s sci-fi thriller but incredibly fun featuring a great cast from a young Dennis Quaid to veterans Max von Sydow and Christopher Plummer. Not sure how much replay value it has but it was enjoyable enough.


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Dec 012016

Star Trek: The Animated Series is a fine release from Paramount and although the animation itself has all the hallmarks from the 1970s, the stories at least are well written and these serve nicely as unofficial fourth and fifth seasons of the original series, highlighted by its original cast.


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