The Star Trek: The Original 4-Movie Collection is a solid enough of a set and does have respectable 4K video along with the audio which is likely the same from past Blu-ray releases, even so still high quality.
The Star Trek: The Original 4-Movie Collection is a solid enough of a set and does have respectable 4K video along with the audio which is likely the same from past Blu-ray releases, even so still high quality.
Batman vs. Two-Face makes for a bittersweet swan-song for the late and great Adam West making his final foray as the Caped Crusader, a role he apparently relished until the end. This outing is a slight improvement over the disappointing Return of the Caped Crusaders with a stronger story and more compelling villain.
I give a brief breakdown on Mill Creek’s June 7th multi-movie pack releases, specifically Streets of Fear and Midnight Movie Madness. None of these movies are of high-quality and are mainly remembered for the stars sometimes in smaller roles. At basement bargain prices, these might be worthy for collector’s of these cheap sets.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is not only the best film among the Trek franchise but one of the best science fiction movies below The Empire Strikes Back. The performances are all great but Ricardo Montalban easily steals the show. This new release finally includes The Director’s Cut which should’ve been with the original collection.
“Star Trek”: The Original Series is a cheap option for those non-Trekkies to get a few solid episodes from the three seasons the show aired. Of course, if you are a fan, you already have all of these, even in high-definition for the Blu-ray releases, you get nothing out of this “best of” collection.
Airplane II: The Sequel is the perfect reminder of why not every surprise hit should get a sequel. While a few of the jokes work here, most do not and it’s pretty forgettable even if it’s not a bad time-waster.