Mar 022022

Alligator isn’t a half-bad movie with its cheesy moments and some respectable makeup effects, not to mention the charisma from Robert Forster in a lead role. Don’t know how much replay value it has, though it does provide a fun time.


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Oct 042021

Alone in the Dark is a very entertaining slasher-horror-thriller that came out of the early 1980s that bucks the trend of having a bunch of teenagers being slaughtered by some faceless psycho, instead three scary individuals.


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Jul 172021

The Dead Zone doesn’t quite enter into classic territory for me, but I did generally find it entertaining thanks to a charismatic enough performance from Christopher Walken who actually plays the lead fairly straight.


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May 082021

King Kong (1976) is certainly a flawed movie, entertaining for the most part though, but the biggest drawback is with the Kong suit which sometimes looks fine but his facial expressions were at best goofy, at worst downright creepy.


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Mar 212021

Event Horizon is a movie I’ve seen a few times and my ratings ranged from 3.25-3.75 with this go-around on the lower end. There is some entertainment value but the film doesn’t exactly reach its full potential.


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