Aug 092018

I had rather low expectations for Pyewacket both based on a really dumb sounding title, and still think it’s laughable, but also these direct-to-video supernatural-horror movies generally aren’t very good. Well, this one genuinely surprised me with a well told story and solid performances


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Jul 152018

I had seen Memoirs of an Invisible Man back upon its release either in the theaters or on VHS but never since, and seeing it again 25 years later, and although yes the visual effects aren’t entirely impressive by modern day standards, it still wasn’t too back for that era while the story was a lot of fun to watch.


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Aug 062017

Teen Wolf Too is really the quintessential example of a needless sequel, though not nearly as awful as something like Weekend at Bernie’s 2, not that’s all saying that much, even Michael J. Fox’s charm could’ve saved this.


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Aug 062017

Teen Wolf isn’t exactly a memorable film from the 1980s, not even the most memorable Michael J. Fox movie of 1985 for that matter, but it’s still a lot of fun and with that era, the make-up effects actually weren’t half and the movie itself is propelled on Fox’s charisma.


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