Juror #2 may not be the highlight from Clint Eastwood as a directory, however it is a perfectly watchable legal drama with decent enough performances.
Juror #2 may not be the highlight from Clint Eastwood as a directory, however it is a perfectly watchable legal drama with decent enough performances.
Epic Showdowns features four action movies including Kull the Conqueror, The Cowboy Way, The Jackal and End of Days and features a variety of stars like Bruce Willis, Richard Gere, Kiefer Sutherland and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The Contractor is an okay suspense-thriller and does showcase Chris Pine’s charisma (the reason I liked him as Jack Ryan), however the plot is thin and the writing pretty standard and predictable.
Zoolander No. 2 might’ve had good intentions behind the camera for Ben Stiller and its cast, but the jokes rarely landed leaving us with the stupidity of the original without any of comedy. I can’t say I had a displeasured experience while watching, merely indifference and counting down the time until it would finally end.
These five movies released by Mill Creek are merely cheap cash grabs that can be had at most Wal-Marts (apparently) for a mere $2.88 and trust me, you get what you pay for: no features, no real menu and basic audio/video transfers. I suppose if you only want the movies and couldn’t care less about the audio, it might be worth picking up.