Infinity Train: Book Two is an animated series from Cartoon Network (now airing on HBO Max) and features the voice talents of Ashley Johnson, Owen Dennis and Robbie Daymond. The DVD comes out on May 25th.
Infinity Train: Book Two is an animated series from Cartoon Network (now airing on HBO Max) and features the voice talents of Ashley Johnson, Owen Dennis and Robbie Daymond. The DVD comes out on May 25th.
Rogue One is a solid entry into the Star Wars saga and while it’s not as strong as either the Original Trilogy or The Force Awakens both in story structure and characters, it’s still one hell of an entertaining sci-fi action-er especially a fantastic third act which more than makes up for its flaws.
Exodus: Gods and Kings had the best of intentions especially in the technical departments from costumes, construction and visual effects, but for all the talk and lengthy running time, it all feels empty, void of any interesting actors not to mention some unintentional humor. The Blu-ray release offered by Fox is pretty basic with an OK commentary track and selection of deleted scenes, but little else given the bulk of features were reserved for the 3D Blu-ray combo pack.