Dec 202020

Slowly but surely I am replacing the links for some screen captures. There are some pages with low view counts where they’ve been removed but if there was any interest, reply here and I can upload them. However, some of the more popular reviews are being replaced, just takes time as I have to do this manually. Thank you again for your patience and I do have reviews coming up.

 12/20/2020  Site News
Dec 162020

I am currently switching over to a new image hosting site for screen captures, so some reviews will have blank spaces as I go through the process. Most older reviews going back a few months, especially lesser releases, will not get updated but clicking the blank links should still show the images. Apologies for the inconvenience.

 12/16/2020  Site News
Dec 122020

Crash isn’t a movie I found all that great though my interest was mainly for some of the controversy and honestly as strange as the “plot” and characters were, it’s not that out of bounds at least nowadays.


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Dec 102020

Tenet isn’t one of Christopher Nolan’s better movies but there are some interesting elements and the technical aspects like the visual effects, are top notch and although it’s hard to wrap my head around the concept while watching, it is unique.


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Dec 092020

The Curse of Frankenstein isn’t one of the great monster horror movies, even amongst the ones by Hammer Films, but I do appreciate taking a different turn of the classic story with Peter Cushing giving it his all to portraying a more unique version.


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