Check out the Blu-ray review for the Disney classic, Alice in Wonderland. Is the Blu-ray version worth the upgrade over its DVD counterpart? Take the plunge down the rabbit hole to find out.. or you can just click the link below. Whichever will get you there, I’m sure.
All the President’s Men is one of those rare movies that stand the test of time in both quality and subject matter. Not only is the story fascinating but the components of the film itself top notch from the performances from the stars and supporting actors to the screenplay and direction, it’s just a film that should be seen for its nuances and drama.
This version of I Spit on Your Grave I felt was a little better than the original if only because the cast was far and away a step up though mainly because of a cultural and era difference. As far as exploitation movies go, for which I have said am not a big fan of, this is an OK movie that will certainly meet the approval of fans of the original.
There’s no reason why I should love You’ve Got Mail as much as I do because there’s so much going against it. But I think it has to do with the old fashioned Hollywood chemistry between Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan it could also be that so many other romantic comedies pair up some of the most obnoxious actors working today or actors with no chemistry.
Shrek: The Whole Story 4-disc box set may not be perfect in terms of features, but the audio and video transfers are all great and worthy of an upgrade over their DVD counterparts. As for the movies themselves, it may not be to the level of Pixar’s Toy Story movies but even the weaker third entry was at least bearable.
The A-Team might not have hit all the notes the filmmakers’ were aiming for, but it’s still one hell of a ride. The casting was well done even if it’s a bit odd to see Liam Neeson with silver hair like he does; Bradley Cooper does his successful comedic schtick that suits his character so well; and Rampage Jackson, while not great, was a good enough casting choice in such an iconic role.
I didn’t buy for one second anything these experts presented about the possibility of aliens bringing forth various technologies centuries ago as the science experiments and some testimonials by certain scientists just don’t whole much weight with me. I do believe that there could be alien life out there for the sheer reason that the universe and solar system is so big and largely unexplored, but the theories presented in this first season of “Ancient Aliens” fails to prove anything and instead uses conjecture.
Admittedly I am not a fan of either Fantasia or Fantasia 2000 but I can still appreciate what they were trying to do and the experiment Walt Disney himself was trying to accomplish. It might have failed back in 1940 but the film has its devoted followers and while I may not be one of them, this is still a set well worth picking up. Personally, I loved the Destino animated short which, as far as I can tell, is the first time it has been available on home video.
After a long delay, I finally got the entire review done of this massive 6-disc Blu-ray set and I will admit, this is easily the best movie collection on Blu-ray that I’ve encountered as it not only ported over every feature from not only the 9-disc DVD set.