Apr 222014

Escape from Tomorrow is notable for one reason and one reason only: getting made, on the fly, and under the nose of the Disney Corporation and for that, it’s a commendable flick, but the story breaks down though the cast do well enough all things considered.


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 04/22/2014  Blu-ray Reviews Tagged with:
Apr 172014

Torque is a biker version of The Fast and the Furious (from its producer no less) sans any memorable characters and includes terrible dialogue, a lame story (even for a movie like this) and even worse visual effects culminating with an awful, and confusing, finale.


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Apr 162014

This “Power Rangers” Seasons 13-17 set is another solid seasons of the long-running, enduring series. Sure, its cheesy as all hell, the acting isn’t the best but it’s also entertaining in the breezy sort of way. This season set compiled by Shout Factory offers up OK audio/video transfers and some well made, newly recorded featurettes.



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 04/16/2014  DVD Reviews, Quick Hit Reviews Tagged with:
Apr 092014

American Hustle might be a tad overrated and certainly director David O. Russell took influence from Martin Scorsese and maybe a bit of Oliver Stone in terms of tone and style, but the movie’s success lies squarely on an all-star cast who mostly give great performances headlined by Christian Bale and Amy Adams.



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