May 102014

“Enterprise”: Season Four was a big step forward for the series producing some of the best and most memorable drama maybe through all of the “Trek” series. Unfortunately, thanks to so-so ratings and a floundering network, it was too little too late; at least now it’s memorialized on Blu-ray high-definition and filled with a plethora number of features.


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May 072014

Great Expectations is yet another well-intentioned adaptation and the cast on the surface appear to be right for their parts, but together with an uneven script and poor pacing makes for a film that never quite gels in spite of a respectable crop of actors. I can’t say this is a particularly bad movie but this certainly not something I will have any desire to revisit anytime soon.


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May 062014

Johnson Family Vacation is a dud of a comedy though I can’t place a whole lot of blame on the cast, Cedric the Entertainer in particular, and more so on the dull and unfunny script. It’s one of those movies that isn’t fondly remembered and is more of an afterthought when comparing similar films.


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May 062014

I, Frankenstein is not only dumb movie but worse of all, takes itself far too seriously so you take something that could’ve been a fun little ride into a dark and dank film that instead is forgettable in nearly every regard save for Bill Nighy who is perhaps the only good thing in this mess of a film.

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May 012014

Flying Tigers is a well made war drama featuring some well done, for its time, special effects, to go along with strong performances by John Wayne and John Carroll. Unfortunately the Blu-ray release from Olive Films, while featuring respectable audio and video transfers, neglects any bonus features so the bang for the buck is not there, though if you are a fan of the movie, or war films in general, it might be worth the price.


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May 012014

Although hardly the strongest in the long line of DC Universe Animated Movies, Son of Batman still has a few things going for it from the animation, save for a couple lousy shots, and an interesting story that probably could’ve been expanded to make it more dynamic. On the negative side, I’m still not in love with Jason O’Mara’s voice as Bruce Wayne/Batman but it’s not as grating this go around.



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Apr 292014

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a film with so much potential squandered for the sake of a buck using blatant in-movie advertising but instead of furthering the story, they only served to take one out of the film despite some good performances, particularly Ben Stiller and Kristen Wiig, with honorable mention for Adam Scott for playing one of the biggest/best cinematic douchebag.


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Apr 282014

The Legend of Hercules gets to have the distinct pleasure of being the first flop of 2014 at the box office and with critics and audiences alike and for good reason. There’s nothing here save maybe for Gaia Weiss who, albeit in a limited role, was decent (and easy on the eyes). Anyway, avoid this as there’s nothing redeeming, not even in the “it’s so bad it’s good” kind of way either.


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Apr 262014

Home of the Brave is another forgotten film that gets a HD treatment courtesy of Olive Films. And while the picture and audio are hardly anything to brad about, it’s nice for this to get a release. That being said, the price on a title without features is extreme at $30 but if you can find a deal and are a fan, then it might be worth picking up.


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 04/26/2014  Blu-ray Reviews, Quick Hit Reviews Tagged with: