Dec 102014

I’m happy that Warner, through their Archive line, released “Young Justice”: Invasion as a companion to the first season. It’s a great show through and through with excellent action, engaging storylines and nice animation.


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Dec 082014

Jingle All the Way 2 is another unfunny “comedic” vehicle for Larry the Cable Guy to do this schtick and I hated just about every minute of this movie. Simply put, it’s another pointless DTV movie that’s not in the least bit entertaining and I cannot stress enough to pass this one by, if only to save your soul.



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Dec 062014

Into the Woods is apparently a popular Broadway musical – and is getting a big screen Disney adaptation starring Anna Kendrick, Johnny Depp and Chris Pine – but having never seen it before, I found it enjoyable for a musical (not a fan, personally) yet the Blu-ray released by Image is downright terrible with no features and, especially, one of the worst video transfers I’ve come across.


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 12/06/2014  Blu-ray Reviews, Quick Hit Reviews Tagged with:
Nov 242014

The November Man doesn’t really bring anything new to the genre and is more in line with the Bourne franchise with both grit and geopolitics centric to their respective stories. But what makes this stand out is finally seeing Pierce Brosnan returning to form and kicking ass instead of, you know, singing…



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Nov 222014

The Expendables 3 continues a franchise that had more promise than delivering the goods, but still this wasn’t a terrible film, just underwhelming and at times a tad dull. I still enjoyed seeing these 1980s action stars together so it’s not a complete waste of time, but at best this is only a rental.


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Nov 212014

Maleficent actually isn’t a bad movie per se, but one that never quite hit its potential especially when you get a great performance out of Angelina Jolie who seemed to be the only one giving it her all with such a flashy character. But the issue at hand is a script with little conflict and a movie on the whole that doesn’t even try to challenge its audience.



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Nov 182014

The “Robot Chicken”: Christmas Specials collection is geared more toward casual fans as, from what I can tell, everything on this disc was previously released in some fashion in the season sets, features included. The DVD itself has OK audio and video while the commentaries are at least entertaining.



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