Oct 262017

Psychos in Love is… an unusual little movie that isn’t very well acted, barely has a script, poor/minimal production design and just is bizarre, which is probably why it’s just enough to make it entertaining in a weird way.


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 10/26/2017  Blu-ray Reviews
Oct 262017

Annabelle: Creation, in spite of its flaws, was a pleasant surprise considering the movie is a prequel of another prequel. The film fits in nicely with the two Conjuring films and might even get me to watch the first Annabelle, a movie I really didn’t care much for.


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Oct 232017

Although I wasn’t as head-over-heels for Baby Driver compared to some, a few even calling it subtle which this is not, this still is an entertaining time with a tried and oft successful plot and features some great car chases, the opening especially, and is worthy of a rental at the least.


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Oct 202017

Batman vs. Two-Face makes for a bittersweet swan-song for the late and great Adam West making his final foray as the Caped Crusader, a role he apparently relished until the end. This outing is a slight improvement over the disappointing Return of the Caped Crusaders with a stronger story and more compelling villain.


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