Nov 202017

The most intriguing aspect of Steven Soderbergh’s latest heist film, Logan Lucky, was who exactly wrote it as “Rebecca Blunt” apparently doesn’t exist. Beyond that, the crime and comedy aspects didn’t appeal to me at all and I found the film to be a bit dull at times.


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Nov 202017

The Hitman’s Bodyguard is a bit uneven in terms of both the action and comedy, but with the dynamic between Reynolds and Jackson, it’s hard not to have a good time with the excessive violence and language, though the film hardly breaks new ground for the mixed-genre.


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Nov 192017

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone might not be perfect, it was however the perfect way to introduce audiences to this world and characters we would follow for the next several years. Even so, I was thoroughly entertained and they really did a great job casting the three unknowns and surrounding them with some excellent talent.


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Nov 162017

Misery is one of my favorite Stephen King adaptations though in fairness, I’m not exactly a King die-hard. Still, the movie is an successful character-drama with some psychological thrills thrown in for extra measure and features strong performances from James Caan and Kathy Bates.


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