Dec 142013

This round 20th Century Fox Studio Classics releases gives a wide range of movies for any fan of the era going from the 1930s to the 1960s. Each movie provides excellent video and audio transfers and although the features are limited, those with commentary tracks are well worth listening to.


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Dec 102013

The Lone Ranger might’ve been a good movie but on a much smaller and simpler scale but instead the filmmakers attempted to recreate some of the conditions which made the Pirates of the Caribbean movies monumental successes down to Johnny Depp playing yet another make-up wearing quirky character. The action scenes aren’t that fun and get a bit tedious.


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Dec 042013

3D Sun/Mars 3D is a nice addition to the ever-growing series of videos not only expanding our universe, but Earth’s history as well. The selling-point of this disc is the 3D and while some parts of it aren’t fantastic, others do look incredible and well worth checking out especially if you’re a fan of educational documentaries.


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Dec 012013

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane had the potential to be something special and transcend the horror genre but instead it was a bit of a bore and showed why it merely made its way around the film festival circuit, never landing a distribution deal.


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Nov 282013

Not sure what the producers (last count, 16 of them) were thinking, but with a bad script, thin characters and choppy editing, Getaway was a car-wreck from the beginning and save for some cool stunt work and a cool one-shot sequence, there’s nothing redeemable about this action-thriller and should’ve been placed on shelves with the other forgettable flicks.


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 11/28/2013  Blu-ray Reviews Tagged with: , , ,
Nov 272013

The World’s End has its moments and I did chuckle more than once but the characters, Pegg’s especially, are mostly un-redeemable twats though since for the most part they’ve worked together in the past, they at least share a friendly comradery with one another and it’s always nice to see Rosamund Pike in a movie…



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