May 162014

Weekend at Bernie’s is a fantastic comedy and a classic that has stood the test of time and has plenty of replay value even though technically with a plot like this, it shouldn’t have worked but due to the cast and jokes that actually hit their marks, it’s a film well worth checking out if you haven’t already.



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May 152014

After a rough start, Vampire Academy finds its footing into the second act with characters one could care about and dialogue that is sharp and actually quite funny if not only merely amusing. However, the star of this picture, and somebody I hope can find bigger and more wide ranging projects, is Zoey Deutch who is incredible and could be the saving grace.



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May 142014

Devil’s Due might not be the worst found footage movie I’ve encountered in the last few years but it sure as hell (no pun intended) is the dullest with the first 50-minutes of either boredom as we watch somebody else’s home movie or laugh out loud at some unintentional funny moments, but the final sequence isn’t bad and is actually fairly impressive, yet it can’t quite make up for the rest of the film.



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 05/14/2014  Blu-ray Reviews Tagged with: ,
May 102014

“Enterprise”: Season Four was a big step forward for the series producing some of the best and most memorable drama maybe through all of the “Trek” series. Unfortunately, thanks to so-so ratings and a floundering network, it was too little too late; at least now it’s memorialized on Blu-ray high-definition and filled with a plethora number of features.


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May 072014

Great Expectations is yet another well-intentioned adaptation and the cast on the surface appear to be right for their parts, but together with an uneven script and poor pacing makes for a film that never quite gels in spite of a respectable crop of actors. I can’t say this is a particularly bad movie but this certainly not something I will have any desire to revisit anytime soon.


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May 062014

Johnson Family Vacation is a dud of a comedy though I can’t place a whole lot of blame on the cast, Cedric the Entertainer in particular, and more so on the dull and unfunny script. It’s one of those movies that isn’t fondly remembered and is more of an afterthought when comparing similar films.


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May 062014

I, Frankenstein is not only dumb movie but worse of all, takes itself far too seriously so you take something that could’ve been a fun little ride into a dark and dank film that instead is forgettable in nearly every regard save for Bill Nighy who is perhaps the only good thing in this mess of a film.

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