May 262017

Logan is one hell of a film, a modern day western with tortured soul of a character who happens to have claws. Hugh Jackman once again gives it his all and thankfully this time around, the writing was far superior over the previous solo films.


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May 262017

Fist Fight is exactly what I was expecting: Charlie Day’s talents being underutilized, Ice Cube scowling most of the time, jokes falling completely flat and a story being stretched even with its short 85-minute running time.


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May 242017

The Space Between Us of course isn’t good and clearly aimed at the tween crowd; the plot isn’t as cool as it might sound and it’s utterly predictable, but if there’s any saving grace, it’s with the cast, namely Gary Oldman and Carla Gugino.


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May 232017

Vixen: The Movie merely compiles all the 5-minute episodes into one feature and on the whole it’s not very cohesive even though the character had potential even if she’s a bit of a copy of Marvel’s Black Panther.


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