Apr 102016

Flight 7500, this is not the kind of movie you purchase but instead is worthy of one-time viewing via either On Demand or rental though for a lazy Saturday night flick, it’s still not half-bad. Again, it’s not very good but just passable enough for a wishy-washy recommendation.


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Sep 252015

Entourage: The Movie isn’t bad in the same way as films like Transformers: Age of Extinction or Muck are but instead it’s just a self-indulgent flick where Hollywood stars can rub shoulders with one another and have a good time with it. That said, I suppose if you’re a fan of the series, which I was at one point for the first few seasons, this might be satisfactory if only because it’s serves as an extended episode.


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Feb 172014

Last Vegas is a movie that despite a weak script and some predictability succeeds thanks to its core cast. It delivers what the posters and trailers promote and that’s seeing four legendary actors on screen together having a grand old time together and there’s not much more one should expect from a movie like this.



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