Dec 212010

The A-Team might not have hit all the notes the filmmakers’ were aiming for, but it’s still one hell of a ride. The casting was well done even if it’s a bit odd to see Liam Neeson with silver hair like he does; Bradley Cooper does his successful comedic schtick that suits his character so well; and Rampage Jackson, while not great, was a good enough casting choice in such an iconic role.


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May 142010

Valentine’s Day may be a two-hour cliché but at the same time it’s fairly harmless and might please some people out there, but for me, I like my romantic-comedies to have, oh I don’t know, a little comedy thrown in there. I know… that’s a silly thing to expect.



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Jan 292010

I was absolutely enthralled with 2006’s Paris, I Love You as it beautifully showcased the City of Love, Lights, Dreams, Art, et cetera while also giving us stories that made use of each precious minute allotted; and I had high hopes for the follow-up, New York, I Love You where we get to see the City That Never Sleeps. Unfortunately even though the directors try their best to showcase New York, the stories never quite hit the emotional levels (be it for comedy or drama) that I felt with Paris.