A Star is Born is a well acted music-drama by Kris Kristofferson and Barbara Streisand who both share wonderful chemistry.
Pony Soldier is a well-made Western though mostly remembered for its Technicolor beauty rather than a weak storyline and modest performances from the cast.
Skyfall is a fun entry into the long-running James Bond series. Daniel Craig is still a fantastic Agent 007 and while it’s entirely possible this movie gets more praise thanks to lower standards of the previous outing, I still found it to be highly entertaining. Javier Bardem makes for a great villain and Adele’s theme song is one of the best and really brings back that classic feeling.
Highlander 2: Renegade Version still has many problems which of course were not fixable without major reshoots but I do at least give credit to the editors for trying to present a half-decent movie. No doubt, it’s still not a very good movie although it would make for a fun Friday night drinking game, rife with many scenes worthy of mockery.
Celeste and Jesse Forever does have some things going for it like the chemistry between Rashida Jones and Andy Samberg but how the main character, Celeste, was written (partially by Jones herself) made her come across as awfully self-centered and the key scene where she seeks redemption doesn’t help matters as it takes place at her best friend’s wedding.
This fourth and final volume of “Animaniacs” is full of funny episodes that are sure to satisfy fans and non-fans alike. The DVD however doesn’t offer any features which are a shame as it would’ve been nice to hear from the creators and/or writers but the audio and video transfers are good.
The first Paranormal Activity stormed the country with massive word-of-mouth generating over $100M in box office receipts on a $15k budget. But now with a new entry coming out nearly every year, the franchise has grown tired. Paranormal Activity 4 is an inane and confusing story, when it’s not downright boring, to go along with subpar acting, especially from the two kids, and a set-up which takes too long to develop, intermixed with scares which were far from it.
As a whole, Flight is hardly a terrible movie and there are far worse choices out there, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was severely disappointed. The Blu-ray has a limited selection of features but is worth watching and both of the audio/video transfers are quite nice. If you like Denzel Washington and don’t mind melodrama on steroids or alcohol, then this might be worth a rental, otherwise wait for this to air on television.